Maternity (Prenatal) Bras

Doctors and Midwives advise pregnant women to wear a non-wired bra during all stages of pregnancy. A good maternity bra should ‘grow’ with you and provide essential support to relive strain and stress on the neck and shoulders. Having a well fitted maternity bra will also help prevent stretch marks and lower the risks of having trapped milk ducts.

You may find that you start to grow out of your usual bra around the 8 – 10 week mark of your first trimester, this would be an ideal opportunity to get fitted and start to look at what maternity bras can offer.


Maternity Bra Top Tips

1)      Look for wide straps, sides and under bust. The wide straps in particular will help to eliminate unnecessary bounce and give you maximum support as your breasts change in weight and size.  

2)      Look for maximum coverage of the breast area; this will keep more of you comfortable as the breasts develop and become more sensitive.

3)      Adjustability is essential your bra needs to grow with you.

4)      If you are buying a maternity bra for the early stages of pregnancy, ensure that the bra fastens on the first row of back eyelets without being too tight or loose. You will then be able to progress through the eyelets as your ribcage expands.

5)      If you are buying for the later stages of pregnancy then it is essential that the bra fastens on the last of the eyelet hooks, so that when you ribcage gets smaller after birth your bra will follow.


Nursing Bras


The main difference between a nursing bra and other non-wired bras is the handy clip on the shoulder strap which allows for open handed opening of the cup to discreetly feed your baby. Ideally you might want to start shopping at around the 36th week of pregnancy, but you need to take into consideration that after the baby is born the breasts will swell again. A sign of a good nursing bra is support and comfort when the cups are opened or closed. Once again it is important to get the right size cup to help prevent the milk ducts from becoming blocked.


Pollard and Read Nursing and Maternity Bras


At Pollard and Read we are pleased to have a range of classic and fashion non-wired bras which will make perfect maternity bras. Our collection includes lines from Anita and Panache which caters for the already larger bust sizes.  Our expert fitters will help you through your pregnancy by finding and fitting the right one for you and ensure that you are supported and comfortable during this time of change and growth.

When the time comes to think about your nursing bras we stock a popular selection from the trusted Royce brand. Royce was establish in 1991 by a husband and wife team in Banbury, Oxfordshire and since then they have been developing non wired bras to fit a range of needs and requirements. The nursing bra was one of their first designs and the National Childbirth Trust was one of their first customers.  Royce ensures that each of their styles is ‘wear tested’ so that they can guarantee nursing mum’s will get the best possible quality product at the best value.


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